Monday, May 25, 2009


OK I'm a little behind the times. This was old news. Shows you how connected I am.
Apparently if you are planning your next Antarctic expedition a cheeseburger may be high on the list of must-have items. I guess the days of pemmican and trail mix are long gone.
Personally I think that the canburger is possibly the nastiest product on the Internet. At first I thought it could only be made in America. But I was wrong. It actually comes from Switzerland??!! WTF? Why can't they stick to chocolate...or banks..or ski resorts?

Where can you buy this stuff? When I follow the link I get a blank page. Is it my browser, or is the canburger not from this world? Curiosity is killing me.
Has anybody actually tried this product? Would you admit it if you did? Is it one of those guilty pleasures?
All these questions. I'm losing sleep already.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

oops....more delays

In case you didn't know this is a 12 1/4" Drill Bit. Weighs about 140 lb.

This is the same bit after being mashed in the hole for 24 hours or so. Not much left is there. Don't think I've ever seen one quite so bad. Usually there is some indication when a bit is about to fail but the warning signs were either not apparent or ignored. Now the drilling people have to figure out how to get the missing metal bits out of the hole. They already tried with magnets with no success. The next thing to try will be a junk mill.

If that doesn't work then the well will have to be sidetracked or abandoned. Expensive for the operator but c'est la vie. For me it means I get to go back to town for a few days.

See ya later

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Club Med

This was not exactly what I had in mind but.... as long as I am stuck out here I may as well make the best of it. I haven't seen the sea this calm in some time. Almost like a lake. I was supposed to be out here only a few days but drilling delays mean I could be here another week or so. Worse places to be. At least there is internet...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An Unpopular View

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.

Joeseph Goebbels

This will not be a popular post. If you are easily swayed by pictures of cute whitecoat seals then this probably isn't for you. Anyways...

I was not particularly surprised when I read about the recent ban of seal products into the EU. There seems to be a growing trend of false enviromentalism, cheap populism with a unhealty dose of hypocrisy thoughout what used to be Europe. Unsatisfied with their singlehanded destruction of fish stocks off the grand banks in the 80's and 90's the EU has decided to further stick it to the residents of the poorest and most isolated parts of Canada by banning the product which had hitherto comprised a significant portion of their annual income.

The main reason cited by the drafters of this ban was the "inherent cruelty" of the hunt. Excuse me? Did you say cruelty? Well lets consider some european humaneness towards animals. Muskrats on the order of 500,000 per year are killed in Belgium and Holland alone. They used to be killed for their fur but are now (since the animal rights activists lauuched a campaign) killed as a nuisance animal and the carcasses are left for rot. In France geese are force fed with a long metal tube till they die for the sole purpose of extracting their swollen livers au fois gras. Germany culls thousands of wild deer and boar for sport hunting, mostly for the trophy heads. And the nadir or course is Bull fighting in Spain where the bulls are badgered and barbed before a live audience before being put down with a sword. The european parliament seems also to have overlooked their own domestic fur farms which raises animals for the sole purpose of skinning them and dwarfs the seal hunt by a factor of 500:1. Yup it all makes me wonder how these MEPs could brand the seal hunt as cruel but somehow overlook their own little cruelties in animal welfare.

Fact is its easy for the EU to adopt a pseudo moral position in regards to seals: it doesn't cost them anything in the way of votes. I would like to seem them try to ban foix gras - the resulting jacquerie would have them climbing over each in retreat.

The real evil here are all these groups such ass IFAW, HSUS, Animal Liberation Front, Respect for Animals, PETA etc etc ad nauseum which use seals as a poster child to raise funds to support their fraudulant organisations. If there was ever a bigger bunch of hypocrites on this planet I've yet to meet them. These groups have no real interest in ecology or animal welfare. If they did they would have been doing more to stop overfishing and habitat encroachment instead of recruiting sexy starlets and other easily-led celebutards into posing in front of cameras to protect species of animals that don't need protection. No form of mis-information is too low for these groups and they seem to have a Goebbels like touch of telling the big one and hoping that the great mass of the people will fall for it. So far it appears to be working.

The EU should look to its own before labelling other peoples lifestyle choices inhumane. When Gucci starts making fashion products out of straw and the Germans start making their bratwurst from tofu then they can't start lecturing the rest of us. Hypocrites one and all.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Good for Them!

The women of Kenya are attempting a Lysistratian approach to force the male members of the country to quit dicking about and to approach their countries problems in a serious manner. Good for them I say. I offered a similar solution to a certain porn bill a while back which regrettably is now law here in Indonesia. Still, with all the present horsetrading going on in the presidential run-up this may be a good opportunity to test the Lysitratian approach.

btw.... Who names their daughter Lysistrata anyways? Damm clunky Greek names. Why wasn't she named Doris, or Chloe?