Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Big Bad Porn Bill

"we must refrain from the male altogether." Every wife and mistress is to refuse all sexual favours whatsoever, till the men have come to terms of peace." Aristophanes

There has certainly been a lot of buzz about the RUU Pornografi. The bill has even been translated to English for benefit of the expat community. There has also been lots of moaning and hand wringing about how this bill will single-handedly protect the morality of youth (highly unlikely) or destroy the plurality of the nation (also highly unlikely). But what no one has thought of yet is how to get this bill overturned...till now that is.

All that's required is a Lysistratian approach to the honored members of the DPR by their, ahem spouses... and/or girlfriends. Lysistrata as you will recall is the greek play in which the women of Athens stop a war by denying their husbands while simultaneously sexually provoking them. Just imagine all the old DPR boys coming home to their nasi ayam with nothing else to look forward to. For added excitement a series of Dewi Persik concerts could be scheduled across the country. I'd think you find that that bill getting back on the table in no time.

So ladies its really up to you. I'm recommending a 1 month vacation from the male member - that should get their attention.

You can thank me later.


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